Welcome to our amazing wellness studio, where we truly believe in the incredible power of self-care and holistic healing! Our team of passionate experts is dedicated to helping you achieve your best health and wellness through personalized and top-notch services. We can't wait you to come and experience the truly transformative power of our studio today!
The CounterBalance
Wellness Studio
Sauna Rules & Risks
NO nudity.
Our Sauna is designed for multiple person use in a session, so we ask that you wear bra tops and shorts or bathing suits for females or shorts for males accompanied by flip flops (no bare feet for sanitary reasons).
CounterBalance will soon have light robes available for Sauna & Wellness Studio clientele for use when navigating our facility. We will also be selling reusable flip flops for individual purchase. Sauna clients must still wear beachwear under robes.
It is advisable to NOT bring your cellphone or devices into the sauna as they may become damaged or may overheat.
Feel free to adjust the LED lighting effects with the remote appended to the sauna exterior.
Our sauna is equipped with Bluetooth connectivity. Enjoy setting your own musical ambiance while you relax.
Stay hydrated. Please drink water before and after your sauna therapy.
DO NOT bring water or liquids into the sauna as it may spill or leak and damage electrical components of the Sauna which could cause personal injury or result in damage to the sauna.
Initial Sauna sessions should be limited to 20 minutes and it is advised to keep the temperature below 110-120F or 43-46C as to not shock the body and gradually introduce it to extended periods of higher temperatures. WARNING: Hyperthermia may result if you do not follow the Sauna usage guidelines.
You must be OVER the age of 18 to use the Infrared Sauna.
Exit IMMEDIATELY if uncomfortable, sleepy or dizzy. Staying too long in a heated sauna can cause overheating.
Check with a doctor to ensure you are not pregnant, in poor health or under medical care as this will contraindicate your ability to use the sauna as therapy. Persons with poor health should consult with a doctor before using a sauna.
Breathing heated air in conjunction with alcohol consumption, drug use or certain medications may cause unconsciousness.
Excessive extended use of a sauna can be hazardous to a person's health.